photographer Selection

Photography and Videography, together, go a long way in making you cherish your sweet memories. The success of a Wedding ceremony can be gauged through the quality of captured photos and videos since they accurately reflect all the key happenings of an event.
Here, we are about to guide you to a perfect photographic experience for your special occasion:
A. Choose the style that best suits you:


Wedding photographers adopt various approaches according to their style and comfort levels. Some prefer keeping it natural and take backstage while there are others who are hyperactive and direct people to pose for them. Hence it is your choice to select the type of Candid wedding photographers who exactly fit your requirement and with whom you will find easy to work with…


B. Try assigns professional Candid wedding photographers:


Assign a friend or an amateur photographer may be budget friendly, but there are possibilities that they may miss some important moments in your marriage. Hence, it is always on the safer side to assign a professional Wedding photographer, so that they are smart enough to capture each and every key moment as they unfold. Also, they will have a better understanding of composition, lighting conditions and the correct exposures to be used in a particular situation.


C. Give importance to your look and makeup:


The beauty of your photos/videos depends not only on your candid wedding photographer’s expertise but also based on your overall appearance. Hence take care in grooming yourself and selecting a capable makeup artist, who can portray you as much graceful as possible. If you are finding difficulty in choosing a makeup artist, try consulting your wedding photographer itself, as they can help you in this regard.


D. Perform a thorough analysis of your Wedding photographer:


With the advent of digital cameras, more and more people are taking up Photography as their profession right now. Though this leaves us with much more options to choose from, we must be extremely careful in choosing the right candid wedding photographer who is both reputable as well as economical. Make sure that the photographers you choose possess a backup unit for securing the images and a secondary camera to use in case of sudden repairs. Also, the wedding photographer you assign must be capable of handling low light scenarios with utmost ease thereby rendering quality images.


E. Try to stay calm and composed throughout the event:


An important event such as Wedding happens only once in our entire life. Hence it is important for the bride and grooms to stay calm, composed and as much relaxed as possible. Plan the event well by carefully allocating event responsibilities to your trusted relatives/friends, so that you can focus more on getting a perfect wedding snap. So, don’t let the event stress get into you and remain natural, as they are perfect for Candid wedding photographs !


F. Opt for a photography package that includes a 2nd photographer:


It is advisable to choose a wedding photography package that provides more than one photographer to shoot your Big Day so that you get shots of the bride and the groom getting ready independently which gives a great story of the day when looking back at them. This also gives a great narrative of the day as you get all the key moments captured from two different angles.


G. Try sparing time for portraits:


Another important aspect of your wedding photography is the couple portrait shoots. They play a key role in the way your album spans up. So, either you do it before or after the event, make sure that you allocate sufficient time such that both you and your photographer feel satisfactory enough of the outcome.


H. Create a good rapport with your Wedding photographers:


Make sure you are completely happy with the photographer you choose and are completely clear about what you are going to get. Decide the photography package that you opt for and the type of album you prefer beforehand to avoid unnecessary conflicts with them. Also, make sure you read the terms and conditions thoroughly, and most importantly make sure you like and trust them. Try consulting your photographer if there is anything regarding the day you are unsure about, as wedding photographers are wedding experts as well!
Freezing Moment offers customized wedding packages that are both premium and cost-efficient. So if you are looking for Wedding photographers in Kolkata/ Candid Wedding photographers in Kolkata , just give us a try and you will feel the difference for sure…


Thank You………….